Glazed Tile Sky Blue 30G Gloss

KShs 600.00 per m

Glazed Tile Sky Blue 30G Gloss

Fixing Procedure Self drilling screws, for light gauge steel structures (recommended), Glazed Tile Sky Blue 30G Gloss are fixed through the crest of the profile ribs using an electric screw-gun (drill). Screws must be used in conjunction with appropriate washers. Alternative option is to install using traditional galvanized twisted shank roofing nails hammered into place using appropriate UPVC caps and washers. Always overlap the left edge of the sheet over the right edge (looking form outside). It is recommended that one use single lengths to cover each run of roof from ridge/ crest to eave (avoid end-lapping) for better aesthetics, economy and reduced chance of leakage.

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Glazed Tile Sky Blue 30G Gloss

Tarua Mabati Glazed Tile Sky Blue 30G Gloss – Specifications Fixing Procedure Specifications Tarua Mabati tile profile sheet is manufactured at par with the international standards to ensure durability and high quality. Tarua Mabati tile has an Overall Cover Width of 950 mm ± 5 mm, Effective Width Cover: 870 mm ± 5 mm. Length/Square Meter of 1,082 mm and a Maximum Purlin Spacing of 600 mm canters.


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